Malena Kronschnabl
Jazz & Pop Festival at HMDK Stuttgart
Hari Nandan Wolfer

Is design political? Which role as it in confirming and reproducing

white privileges? Do designers really have an educational duty as

as old ideologies teached us?  And how much of my attitude

should be visibil in my work without patronizing the world I live in?

One acces to those and further questions is to work with

materials and make them speak.

This appoach arrised early in my schooldays at Steiner School

first near Cologne and later on in Ulm. It solidified

then in a qualification as carpenter and has been enhenced

during the study at the Instrial-Design-Department at Academy

of fine Art Stuttgart.

Beside reflection and observing my serrounding, one of the basic

working principles I follow is the conviction that design happens

allong the way.

This is no call to lean back and wait for the perfect idea to

arrise but working constantly to create a space where the

unexpected can take place. To be mindful for those moments is

the true base of my creativity.

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