Zweites Gesicht

Masken oder Larven, wie sie früher hießen (daher auch „entlarven“: die Maske runterreißen), gibt und gab es quer durch alle Kulturen. Es ist offenbar ein grundlegendes menschliches Bedürfnis, ab und zu jemand anderen darzustellen, jemand anderes zu sein. Masken haben aber im Alltag hauptsächlich eine Schutzfunktion; sie schützen uns vor giftigen Stichen, plötzlichem Aufprall, bösen Blicken, zu ertrinken, zu viel Hitze etc. Recherche und Analyse zu ästhetischem, symbolischem und technisch-praktischem Gehalt von Masken resultieren in einer zielgerichteten Herstellung eines zweiten Gesichts jedes Kursteilnehmers.

Experimente mit meinem iPhone Licht.
Experimente mit meinem iPhone Licht.
Meine ersten Handys.

mobile/ Mobile – Digital Detox Lampe

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mobile/ Mobile is an analog light show, a physical application for the mobile phone. ????It is moved by a short time alarm clock, which I removed from an egg timer. The alarm clock is wound up with the help of a handle on the lampshade and then, ticking softly, rotates once around itself within an hour.

The mobile phone is reduced to a single function: it serves as a light source. ???????? VIDEO IN 2ND SLIDE ????

–> My project aims to counteract the one-sided, virtual experiences of mobile phone use. /By typing and wiping on a monitor, we take photos, make phone calls, write, look up words…. in the process, the relation to the materiality of things is lost. These actions used to be connected with the exploration of object and material- in the mobile phone it is always the same movements that one makes, the same monitor that one touches, pixels that one sees. The sensory perceptions are one-sided and overridden.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The choice of material was important for me. Since I was limited in model making, I built the base out of cardboard, but I imagine it in beech wood. If the mobile (=lamp shade 😉 moves, the glass clangs softly… You can feel and hear the materials. By the short time alarm clock the light play is moved completely mechanically. [WORK IN PROGRESS :]

dm me in case you have any questions.

Sent from my iPhone

Translated with  HYPERLINK “” (free version)


„Mobile/ Mobile is an analog light show, a physical application for the mobile phone. It is moved by a short time alarm clock, which I removed from an egg timer. The alarm clock is wound up with the help of a handle on the lampshade and then, ticking softly, rotates once around itself within an hour.

The mobile phone is reduced to a single function: it serves as a light source. ???????? VIDEO IN 2ND SLIDE ????

–> My project aims to counteract the one-sided, virtual experiences of mobile phone use. /By typing and wiping on a monitor, we take photos, make phone

calls, write, look up words…. in the process, the reference to the materiality of things gets lost. These actions used to be connected with the examination of object and material, in a mobile phone it is always the same movements that one makes, the same monitor that one touches, pixels that one sees. The sensory perceptions are monotonous and overdriven.

The choice of material was important for me. Since I was limited in the model making process, I built the base out of cardboard, but I imagine it in beech wood. If the mobile moves, the glass clangs softly… You can feel and hear the materials. By the short time alarm clock the light show is moved completely mechanically. [WORK IN PROGRESS :]

dm me in case you have any questions.

Sent from my iPhone.“

Translated with  HYPERLINK “” (free version)


Entstanden in

mit Prof. Uwe Fischer, AM David Gebka

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23 cm × 23 cm × 30 cm

Diese Arbeit entstand im Rahmen des Projekts „Wellness“ unter der Leitung von David Gebka, im (online) Sommersemester 2020.