FAT Studio
Grand Liberté

Session 5: The creative power of Sci-Fi

Session 5: The creative power of Sci-Fi, Date: 22.06.20 – 4pm, Guest: Estevan Mykhail Guzman


Estevan Mykhail Guzman is a 3D animator with a passion for astronomy and Sci-Fi. He currently works at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California exploring scientific communication through film and illustrations. He finds influence in science and space travel for his works as a “space artist” with a goal to inspire scientists and artists alike. In Session 5 Estevan gave an insight on how to discover future scenarios with a sensual and emotional approach through installation, visual and acoustic features.


Come and explore the thoughts, ideas and transfer projects of Session 5!

Entstanden in

mit Prof. Fahim Mohammadi, AM Natalie Weinmann


o Dare and to Do.

Interdisciplinary seminar series in the second study phase at the ABK Stuttgart

The Dare’n’Do seminar is intended to offer students in higher semesters of the departments Industrial Design, Communication Design, Textile Design and Architecture a space for open-ended, experimental and productive research. Through a series of lectures, discussions and workshops, students will be inspired by experts from other disciplines, giving them the opportunity to reflect on the relevance and potential of their own design work and transfer the input into a productive and experimental process.



Explore the 5 Sessions of the “Dare’n’Do – Science (Fiction) and Intuition” Seminar:


Session 1: Human & Machine

Session 2: Becoming alive!

Session 3: Technology in postcapitalist production


Session 4: The narrative power of Sci-Fi

Session 5: The creative power of Sci-Fi


Come and explore the thoughts, ideas and transfer projects of Session 5!